The state of SMS marketing, spinach that can send you emails, and James Dean. (May 2022 Newsletter)


This content is from my May 2022 Newsletter. If you’d like to sign up to receive my monthly(ish) newsletter, here’s the link. If you'd like to look at the archive, here’s the campaign URL.

London Eye - Southbank

Howdy and welcome to (the near end of) May. It's been a mix of rainy but absolutely beautiful and blooming here over in Scotland. How are nature and people showing up around your way?

A wee bit of housekeeping... email change!

I’m switching over to the email address going forward. Over the next few months I’ll deprecate my old account. I've had the latter email address for more than 15 years and I've found it's time to retire it. Update your address book!

On to the stories. There are some links about SMS marketing, spinach emailing, and James Dean. It's a wide variety y'all.

The State of Conversational Commerce in 2022

This is a good visual report on how people are interacting with brands via SMS. I’m a complete “NO SMS MARKETING PLEASE” person so some of these stats surprised me and were a good wake up call. Over 63% of people had clicked a brand’s link in an SMS message to purchase something within the last 3 months. Holy crap!

Read the full report

Scientist Have Create Spinach That Can Send Emails (and Fight Climate Change)

Okay, this is from last year but why didn’t y’all tell me about this?? So spinach won’t be forwarding you chain emails but the scientists “have engineered spinach plants that can detect explosive material in soil and relay information back via email.”

That feels better. De-mining the earth and sending emergency messages about changes in climate and temperature is much better use of plants’ work time than memes.

Behold our new plant middle managers/overlords

45 Vintage Photographs of James Dean

Dennis Stock was a young Magnum-certified photographer when he embarked on the assignment of documenting several months in James Dean’s life in 1955. Stock followed Dean around New York, on the set of Rebel Without a Cause, and on to his family’s farm in his hometown of Fairmount, Indiana playing with his little cousin Markie. Revel in the lush black and white photographs, the contrast, and the lowered personal guards of James Dean. I definitely did.

Flip through all 45 photographs

How are y'all doing? 

It's almost half the year gone. How's the universe treating you? How's work treating you? Let me know. Schedule some time in my calendar for a chin wag.

Go find me around the web as well: 

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Have a lovely week and talk soon, 
